Submitted by Dr M.J. Marques... on Mon, 01/03/2021 - 18:36
2nd year PhD student, Jess Forsdyke, will present at the Cambridge Zero Symposium: Transport, Cities & Infrastructure on March 3rd. Humans consume concrete in such massive quantities it is second only to water. It is used globally in construction due to its wide material availability, enabling construction of complex and impressive structures for which other construction materials are unsuitable. The binding ingredient of normal concrete is cement, which is currently responsible for 2.2 Billion tonnes of CO2 emissions every year. This talk, entitled "What's so hard about concrete?" will unpick the problems with concrete, explore why we cannot viably live without it, and introduce some of the possible solutions to the future of the material currently under investigation in the Concrete Infrastructure Research Group.
Details of all of the talks and symposia as part of the Cambridge Zero Virtual Reasearch Symposia series, including recordings of previous events can be found here: https://www.zero.cam.ac.uk/cambridge-zero-research-symposia-2021
Register to attend the Transport, Cities and Infrastructure here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/transport-cities-infrastructure-tickets-137269449619